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Killmaiden's Compendium
Author Interviews
Documentary filmmaker Maurice Bisaillon interviewed me in a grand, very Killmaiden’s-like private library in Greenwich. Watch the interviews.

What is Killmaiden’s Compendium of
Uncommon Occurrences?

How is the Drake family connected to Killmaiden’s Compendium of Uncommon Occurrences?

Who is Alex Drake?

Victoria Ashlund is the no-nonsense governess of the
Drake children. Describe her.

Alex has a dangerous foe in the Satrap. Who is he?

Describe Alex’s relationship with his father.

How does Killmaiden’s compare to other books written for young adults?

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Take a Look at James' Favorite Gear & Stuff

Whether you’re going on an adventure,
or just a family vacation, you need stuff. Here’s what I bring…
